Parish Council Vacancies

Published: 20 June 2024

We now have 11 seats on Holt Parish Council, 9 to represent Holt and 2 to represent Furzehill which joined Holt Parish in April.  We are looking for  one further councillor to represent Furzehill Ward.

As a Parish Councillor you will play a vital role in dealing with local issues for Holt Parish as a co-opted member. 

Councillors do not need any special or formal qualifications other than enthusiasm to represent the communities they serve and to also bring a wide range of backgrounds, skills and experience. The knowledge and experience you have gained through your personal and professional life are important skills to bring to the councillor role.

There are opportunities for learning and development. This includes key pieces of knowledge that councillors will need including information on how services work, understanding the council’s budget and legal considerations. Training is offered through the Dorset Association of Parish & Town Councils (DAPTC).

Councillors have to sign a declaration stating they will observe the council’s code of conduct. They have to declare certain financial and other interests which they may have and can't take part in decisions if they have any related financial interests.

Becoming a councillor will require a time commitment to address residents’ concerns and to attend parish council meetings. Other responsibilities include:

  • attendance at other local meetings
  • reading committee agendas and documents before the meeting
  • engaging with learning and development opportunities
  • meeting with Dorset Council officers and ward Councillor
For further information or an informal chat about the role, please contact the Clerk or a Parish Councillor.

 Holt Parish Councillor Application Form