Planning Applications Holt Parish


Please note the Parish Council is not a statutory consultee on every application. For all types of applications please follow this link to Dorset Council Planning application search and comment - Dorset Council

You are also able to view the agenda for forthcoming Eastern Area Planning Committee Meetings of Dorset Council at Committee details - Eastern Area Planning Committee - Dorset Council.  

Planning Applications due to be considered by the Parish Council will be placed on the next agenda. You are welcome to join the meeting and speak during the Public Open Session. It is helpful to know in advance if you intend to speak as we have limited time on the evening.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact the Clerk by email or 07887 932665


Applications that will be included on the Agenda 6th November 2024:

P/OUT/2024/05658 Holt Green House, Holt, BH21 7DJ - Sever site, demolish existing outbuilding and erect dwelling and ancillary studio; amended access - All matters reserved. 

P/STA/2024/05701 Aunt Fanny's Farm Shop & Cafe, Cranborne Road, BH21 4HW - Section 37 notification of overhead electricity line. 


Applications already considered - follow the link to Dorset Council to view Holt Parish Council's response in 'Documents' 

P/FUL/2024/04687 Glenhurst, Holt Road, BH21 7DL Demolish existing buildings and erect one 4 bedroom house and garage 

P/HOU/2024/05146 Badgers Green, Holtwood, BH21 7DR to extend existing first floor loft rooms by creating new side and rear facing dormers and raising ridge height of the roof over the garage. 

P/HOU/2024/05046 Innisfree, Burts Lane, Mannington, BH21 7JX - Raise roof to create habitable living accommodation, alterations to existing single storey rear extension and create front porch. 

P/HOU/2024/05209 The Barn, Holtwood, BH21 7DR - Change of use of land from agricultural to residential curtilage associated with the existing dwelling house. Retention of an outbuilding incidental to the dwelling house and minor modification to boundary fences. 

P/HOU/2024/03704 Turbary Cottage, Holt Heath, BH21 7JZ to Erect ancillary Garden Room/Annexe.

P/CLE/2024/04019 Land at Burts Lane - Use of land for storage purposes, use Class B8. Note this is a Certificate of Lawfulness Application not a Planning Application.

P/FUL/2024/04000 Anchor Paddock, Batchelors Lane, Holtwood BH21 7DS - Retention of works to dwelling (see P/CLE/2024/01225) including removal/resizing of windows, replacement cladding, alter pitch of roof.

P/VOC/2024/04642 Robinswood, Furzehill, BH21 4HD - Sever plot, demolish existing garage and erect 1no. dwelling (Variation of Condition 2 of permission P/FUL/2023/02313) (The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans) - to allow for a first-floor extension) 

P/HOU/2024/03299 Fox Cottage, Holt Lane, Bh21 7DQ Convert garage to ancillary living accommodation

P/FUL/2024/02980 Pig Oak Farm, Holt Lane, BH21 7DG Siting of solar panels on non-domestic property

P/FUL/2024/03049 Broomdown Barn, Broomhill, BH21 7AR Demolition of the existing building and construction of a replacement dwellinghouse

P/FUL/2024/03109 Emmers Farm, Holt Road, Mannington, BH21 7JY Retain building in new position. 

P/HOU/2024/03525 2 Harriets Gift, Grange, BH21 4HS Erect single storey rear extension and carry out internal alterations